Monday, May 4, 2009

Path of Neo

Plot Summary

This game allows the player to participate in many of the major action scenes from the films. Most of these sequences, picked by the movie directors themselves, are taken from the first film in the series.[2][3]

At the start of the game, the player is hacker Thomas Anderson, and does not possess any of the powers tha

t the character will later discover as Neo. As the game continues, players learn new skills and techniques, equipping Neo for the final showdown with Agent Smith. These additional skills may be learned both in training levels and in the main game. Many of these skills are used by Neo in the trilogy, including the bullet dodge, bullet stop, and flight. A number of weapons are available in the game, consisting of both melee weapons (including various types of swords, staves, and escrimas) and firearms (assault rifle, submachine gun, pistol etc).

The game also allows the player to meet many of the characters in the films, including Trinity, Morpheus and the Merovingian, amongst others.

The game uses film excerpts as cut scenes throughout the game at certain milestones. This footage includes clips from the original Matrix theatrical films, and from other sources, including the short film series, The Animatrix and Shiny Entertainment's first Matrix game, Enter the Matrix. Despite these live-action and other cinematic additions, players who have had no previous exposure to The Matrix films might have difficulties in creating a clear picture of the storyline.

Prisoners of War

Plot Summary

The game begins with Captain Stone, who finds himself in a small holding camp with several other unlucky prisoners. He meets the other prisoners and goes around the camp doing tasks to help other prisoners who will in turn help him escape. He steals some currency, candy, cigarettes, etc. for some boot polish which he can use to darken his face and sneak around at night. JD is eventually caught and brought to the camp and with the information JD gives Stone they hatch an escape attempt. After a well thought out escape with his good buddy JD they are soon captured by General Stahl. Stahl kills JD for refusing to surrender and Stone reluctantly gives up. This causes Stone to develop a deep hatred that stays with him throughout the remained of the war.

Stone is transferred to Stalag Luft where he meets a friendly British officer and a not so much Polish officer who head the escape committee. After escaping through an abandoned tunnel, Stone is captured by a German patrol. He is sent to the infamous Castle Colditz.

Stone is placed in the non-troublesome group of prisoners. He tries to meet a former prisoner whom he briefly met at Stalag Luft who tells him that he must escape back into the Luft. Stone escapes through the sewers of Stalag Luft and is captured outside of the camp and is just throw in with the other prisoners because the Kommandant does not want General Stahl to hear of his faults.

Stone is sent on a mission by the escape committee to steal secret German documents (of the rocket) and to take photos of a new V2 rocket that is being built in the camp, so that Allied bombers will not bomb the camp. The escape committee analyzes the document and conclude they don't have time to contact London by mail, they decide to execute plan B. Stone is sent to call the bombers with the German radio. When the alarms sound, the prisoners prepare a mass escape and General Stahl orders to launch the rocket immediately. Stone goes to the laboratory and hides himself from Germans, disables the rocket. General Stahl is disappointed in the performance of the rockets and goes to Castle Colditz to look into the secret experiments in the castle.

Back in the courtyard of Colditz, Lewis Stone is discovered in the trunk of the General's car. With the German officer mistakenly believing Stone to have accidentally wound up in another prisoner of war camp, he gives Stone double rations for brightening his day. The escape committee reveals to Stone that Harding was building the famous Colditz Glider in the chapel attic. Stone finds the necessary pieces to complete the glider and successfully escapes from the castle, killing General Stahl in the process.

Project IGI

Plot Summary

David Jones is sent off to find Josef Priboi, a Russian arms dealer who is believed to have information on a stolen nuclear warhead. As he helps Captain Harrison, apprehend Josef, he discovers that the brains of the operation is Josef's uncle Jach, whom Jones then attempts to apprehend instead. He discovers his location by planting a virus in Jach's communications center.

While Jach Priboi is taken away in helicopter by Jones, he is shot down by Ekk. Jones then has to clear the border and find his equipment. He then hijacks the train carrying Priboi and takes him in for interrogation. Learning about the involvement of Ekk, he sets off to catch her and find the nuclear weapon.

Ekk escapes on her first meeting with Jones, but Jones kills her after finding her second hideout as well as the nuclear warhead.


The story is set in Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp, a remote US government training facility under the guise of a children's summer camp. The area was hit centuries ago by a meteor made of psitanium (a fictional element that can grant psychic powers or strengthen existing powers), creating a huge crater. The psitanium affected the local wildlife, giving them limited psychic powers, such as bears, with the ability to attack with telekinetic claws and cougars with pyrokinesis. The Native Americans of the area called psitanium "whispering rock", which they used to build arrowheads. When settlers began inhabiting the region, the psychoactive properties of the meteor slowly drove them insane. An asylum was built to house the afflicted, but within fifteen years the asylum had more residents than the town did. The government relocated the remaining inhabitants and flooded the crater to prevent further settlement, creating what is now Lake Oblongata. The asylum still stands but has fallen into disrepair.

The government took advantage of the psitanium deposit to set up a training camp for Psychonauts, a group of agents gifted with psychic abilities and used to help defeat evil-doers. The training ground is disguised as a summer camp for young children, but in reality helps the children to hone their abilities and to train them to be Psychonauts themselves. Due to this, only those recruited by the Psychonauts are allowed into the camp.

This image is a candidate for speedy deletion. It may be deleted after Saturday, 18 April 2009.

The protagonist and playable character of the game is Razputin "Raz" Aquato, the son of a family of circus performers, who runs away from the circus to become a Psychonaut, despite his father's wishes. When at camp, Raz meets four of the Psychonauts that run the camp: the cool and calculating Sasha Nein, the fun-loving Milla Vodello, the regimental Agent/Coach Morceau Oleander, and the aged Ford Cruller, said by Raz to have been the greatest leader the Psychonauts ever had, until a past psychic duel shattered Ford's psyche and left him with numerous quirky personalities and no memory of his real self (which explains why he's seen throughout the camp as a cook, ranger, admiral, etc.). Only when he's near the large concentration of Psitanium does his psyche come together enough to form his real personality. During his time at camp, Raz meets several of the other gifted children including Lili Zanotto, the daughter of the Grand Head of the Psychonauts, with whom he falls in love; and Dogen Bule, a boy who goes around with a tin foil hat to prevent his abilities from causing anyone's head from exploding. Raz also meets ex-residents of the insane asylum including ex-dentist Dr. Loboto, as well as Fred Bonaparte, an asylum inmate with dissociative identity disorder, also known as a split personality.

Raz (short for Razputin) is the main character of Psychonauts

Raz, fleeing from the circus, tries to sneak into Whispering Rock but is caught by the Psychonauts agents. Though they contact his parents so that they may recover Raz, they allow Raz to stay at camp though not allowing him to participate in the camp activities.[1] However, they recognize that Raz has strong psychic abilities. After Coach Oleander allows Raz to participate in "Basic Braining", Sasha, impressed by his performance, invites Raz to test how strong his abilities are.[2] While exploring his own mind, Raz comes across a vision of Dr. Loboto attempting to pull Dogen's brain from his head, claiming it to be a "bad tooth", but Raz is unable to overcome a mental barrier to see more.[3] When Raz returns to the real world, he finds that Dogen's brain has gone missing;[4] the Agents pass it off as part of Dogen's personality. Raz is able to overcome the mental barrier in his mind to learn that Dr. Loboto is working with Coach Oleander to extract the brains of the children and put them in psychic death tanks. Raz learns that Sasha and Milla have gone away from camp on official business, Coach Oleander is nowhere to be found, and learns that Lili has been chosen as the next victim, taken to the insane asylum for the process. Raz consults with Ford, who is unable to leave the camp but gives Raz a piece of bacon which he can use to contact Ford at any time.

Raz crosses the lake, and encounters the few remaining residents of the insane asylum. After Raz helps to resolve their mental issues, the residents help Raz to reach Dr. Loboto's laboratory at the top of the asylum. He finds that Oleander and Doctor Loboto have taken Lili, Sasha, and Milla hostage. Raz is able to free them, where they turn to fight Oleander and Loboto. As they fight, the insane asylum is burned down, and while the others escape safely, Oleander transfers his mind to one of the death tanks and attacks Raz. Raz defeats the tank, but upon his success, super sneezing powder is ejected from the tank, a last resort of Oleanders. The powder causes Raz to sneeze his brain out. Raz, without much choice, moves his brain into the tank, where his psyche merges with Oleander's.

Raz finds himself in a mental world that combines his own fears of the circus with Oleander's childhood features of his father, a butcher. Raz escorts "Little Oly", the child version of Oleander, safely through the world, and is able to defeat the gruesome visions of both of their fathers successfully. However, as their minds are still melded together, the two visions combine into a overall amalgam of the two that Raz is unable to defeat. Suddenly, Raz's real father shows up in the mental world, and explains to Raz that he too had psychic abilities, and did not mean to dissuade Raz from exploring them further. Together, the two are able to defeat the amalgam, and pull Raz' and Oleander's brains apart, restoring them to their proper bodies. As the rest of the children's brains are restored, Raz is congratulated for his outstanding work, and is allowed to become a Psychonaut by both the agents and his father. As he is leaving camp, news arrives that the Grand Head of the Psychonauts has been kidnapped. Raz and his fellow Psychonauts fly off to rescue him.


Plot Summary

The game revolves around a young man named Daniel Garner, who is happily married to his wife Catherine. At the start of the game, Daniel is about to take Catherine out for a birthday meal. As they drive towards their destination at high speed, in the pouring rain, Daniel takes his eyes off the road to look at his wife and while his attention is diverted, he ploughs their car into a truck. Both of them are killed instantly.

While Catherine manages to make it to Heaven and lives in harmony, Daniel is trapped in Purgatory and is told that in order to receive purification, he has to kill four of Lucifer's generals in order to prevent a war between Heaven and Hell. With little choice available to him Daniel accepts the task. After killing the first general, Daniel meets Eve who gives him information about the remaining generals.

With the forces of Hell seizing and corrupting various parts of Purgatory, Daniel goes through different and random phases of history within Purgatory, which range greatly from ancient times to the modern era. These include Medieval Europe, Babylon, the Crusades, 1800s and even a time slice of modern industry. After Daniel kills the last general, Alastor, Lucifer himself appears before Daniel and Eve and takes Eve back to hell. Daniel decides to go after them, and kills Lucifer. The game ends with Daniel and Eve defending themselves against Hell's demons.

Alternatively, if the game is finished in Trauma (the hardest difficulty in the game), Daniel can finally go to Heaven and reunite with Catherine.


Plot Summary

The game begins with the Punisher being captured by police officers after killing several men. He is then transferred to Rykers Island and interrogated by two police officers, Detectives Molly Van Richtofen and Martin Soap. The remainder of the game occurs in moments of flashback during this interrogation.

First, the Punisher invades a crackhouse, and kills its owner, dubbed Damage, by dropping him from several stories above the ground. After almost getting hit by a car upon his exit, the Punisher traces the vehicle to a chop shop. After killing every criminal there, he learns that it is owned by the Gnucci mafia family because the individual owner of the shop, Carlo Duka, is a Gnucci lieutenant. The Punisher kills Duka by dropping him in a car compactor where Duka is subsequently crushed. In a subsequent mission, the Punisher kills Bobby Gnucci, one of the sons of Ma Gnucci, the family's head, at Lucky's Bar by shooting him several times.

Ma Gnucci hires Bushwacker to capture Joan, a neighbor of the Punisher. The Punisher traces her to the Central Park Zoo, where he rescues her. The next mission occurs in Grey's Funeral Home, at the mob funeral of Bobby Gnucci, where the Punisher kills Eddie Gnucci, the other Gnucci son by throwing Eddie out a window and Eddie is impaled on a gate spike. The Punisher then travels to the Gnucci estate to kill Bushwacker and Ma Gnucci herself. After fighting his way through Ma's remaining men, as well as Bushwacker by defeating him in a gunfight, ripping his weapon arm off and shooting him in the chest, dropping him several stories above the ground. Castle throws Ma through her mansion's top floor window.

During the Punisher's assault at the Gnucci residence, he learns that the Gnuccis are getting drug money from Russian mercenaries on New York City's waterfront. At the docks, he hears that General Kreigkopf plans to smuggle nuclear weapons into New York City. After attacking men on a cargo ship supposedly carrying the weapon (it was not on board) and being assaulted in his apartment by a huge man called the Russian, the Punisher attacks Grand Nixon Island, his next lead on the weapon's location. On the island, the Punisher meets Nick Fury, who helps him to defeat Kreigkopf and the Russian, and to prevent the launch of the nuclear device. Both escape before the missile detonates, destroying the island.

Returning home, the Punisher discovers that the Kingpin has been taking over former Gnucci rackets. He raids the headquarters of the Kingpin's Fisk Industries, where he fights and defeats Bullseye by throwing him out a window from the top floor of the skyscraper. The Kingpin tells the Punisher that his real enemy is the Japanese Yakuza. The Punisher learns that this group of Yakuza are called the Eternal Sun, and they are trying to control remaining Gnucci and Russian crime operations.

The Punisher then visits Stark Towers, a facility owned by Tony Stark (Iron Man), after learning that the Eternal Sun are attempting to steal some high tech weapons and armor. The Punisher decides to assault the Takagi building, the home of the Eternal Sun leader, Takagi. He discovers that Jigsaw has infiltrated the gang, and is gaining followers. While Jigsaw is being imprisoned in Ryker's Island, the Eternal Sun is already planning to bust him out. After escaping the Takagi building, the Punisher allows himself to be captured by the police and taken to Rykers Island, to confront Jigsaw there, at which time, the flashbacks catch up to the story, and the remainder of the game takes place in the present.

During the interrogation, the prison erupts into a riot. The Punisher escapes from his cell, and starts fighting his way through the inmates and remaining Eternal Sun members the Punisher left alive. He reaches the rooftop and meets Jigsaw face to face, ultimately defeating him despite the stolen Iron Man armor Jigsaw was wearing. As the Punisher leaves in a helicopter, he throws Jigsaw out, killing him.

In the post-credits scene, the Kingpin is plotting his revenge against the Punisher for the embarassment he caused him as a medical worker is loading Bullseye onto the stretcher.

Resident Evil 3

Plot Summary

The player takes control of former STARS member Jill Valentine in her attempt to escape a ruined and zombie-infested Raccoon City. During her escape, she encounters three surviving members of the Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service (UBCS): Carlos Oliveira, Mikhail Victor and Nicholai Ginovaef. Mikhail sacrifices himself to save Jill from the Nemesis, a bio-organic weapon, and Jill escapes with Carlos.

The city's fate is resolved in the game's finale. The U.S. government, after hearing of unsuccessful efforts to avert the T-virus infestation, orders the destruction of Raccoon City with a nuclear missile. At this point in the game, the player has exactly fifteen minutes to escape the city before the missile strikes. While attempting to escape, Jill has to face the Nemesis one final time and blows it apart using a rail gun. Jill is about to escape when the Nemisis comes back for one last attack, but Jill guns it down. Jill then escapes Raccoon City.