Plot Summary
The game revolves around a young man named Daniel Garner, who is happily married to his wife Catherine. At the start of the game, Daniel is about to take Catherine out for a birthday meal. As they drive towards their destination at high speed, in the pouring rain, Daniel takes his eyes off the road to look at his wife and while his attention is diverted, he ploughs their car into a truck. Both of them are killed instantly.
While Catherine manages to make it to Heaven and lives in harmony, Daniel is trapped in Purgatory and is told that in order to receive purification, he has to kill four of Lucifer's generals in order to prevent a war between Heaven and Hell. With little choice available to him Daniel accepts the task. After killing the first general, Daniel meets Eve who gives him information about the remaining generals.
With the forces of Hell seizing and corrupting various parts of Purgatory, Daniel goes through different and random phases of history within Purgatory, which range greatly from ancient times to the modern era. These include Medieval Europe, Babylon, the Crusades, 1800s and even a time slice of modern industry. After Daniel kills the last general, Alastor, Lucifer himself appears before Daniel and Eve and takes Eve back to hell. Daniel decides to go after them, and kills Lucifer. The game ends with Daniel and Eve defending themselves against Hell's demons.
Alternatively, if the game is finished in Trauma (the hardest difficulty in the game), Daniel can finally go to Heaven and reunite with Catherine.
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