Sunday, May 3, 2009

Ground Control 2

Plot Summary

Ground Control II takes place approximately 322 years after the events of Ground Control and its expansion Ground Control: Dark Conspiracy. What follows is a detailed timeline that summarizes the events that would lead to the formation of the Terran Empire and the subsequent subjugation of the Northern Star Colonies and the Virons.

The Battle for Krig-7b (2419-2420)

On the remote backwater planet Krig-7b, two factions, the Crayven Corporation and the Order of the New Dawn engaged in an all out war for control of the planet. What was originally a colonial acquisition by the ruthless Crayven Corporation quickly turned into a bloody conflict for the seizure of ancient alien technology from the fanatical Order of the New Dawn. It was eventually discovered that Krig-7b was a nexus of a galactic network of the appropriately termed Xenofacts which were spread across the galaxy. The conflict eventually escalated into a stalemate between the two factions and a temporary cease-fire was announced. However, this ploy was seen for what it really was by Crayven Field Commander Major Sarah J. Parker and Order Deacon Jarred Stone. Both commanders united to take down the corrupt Crayven director Enrica Hayes and Order Cardinal Aegeri and to foil their disastrous plan to unleash an alien drone army which would annihilate the entire galaxy. Eventually Deacon Stone led his renegade forces to victory, killing the Cardinal and destroying the primary Xenofact in one fell swoop. An ominous, yet mysterious event happened directly afterwards as the destroyed Xenofact emitted a coherent beam of light that lasted a few seconds. What exactly happened is to this day unexplained, however it is hinted that it was a signal, the exact purpose of which remains a mystery. The "signal" obliterated the Order command ship WCS Retribution in the atmosphere and significantly damaged the CSS Astrid in the process. Two months later Sarah Parker destroyed the Earth's Early Warning System. Her reasons for doing so were never discovered but the consequences were clear. Earth was left in a vulnerable position that would eventually lead to the First Stellar War.

The Independence Wars (2422-2429)

In light of heavy taxation and increasing self-sufficiency in terms of military and economy, independence had become a logical move for several corporations, including the Crayven Corporation, Welby-Simms and the Order of the New Dawn. Welby-Simms Corporation declared its independence from Terra and thus began the Independence Wars. Insurrection became a virtual disease which swept over the colonies like a blanket. Eventually the majority of the 29 colonies in the Outer Sphere declared themselves independent. By the war's end, Earth had lost almost all power and only controlled a mere handful of its remaining colonies.

The First Stellar War (2431-2501)

A relatively new nation, the Draconis Empire, saw the revolution spurring throughout the galaxy as an opportunity and decided to mount an assault on the weakened Earth government. What occurred next was probably the largest conflict in all of human history. While the conflict was initially between the Draconis Empire and Earth, it wasn't long before the other factions came to be involved in an endless race for power and influence. The destruction that followed was virtually unspeakable. Several colonies ended up annihilated in the struggle and others became isolated. Eventually the Outer Sphere was completely cut off from the rest of humanity when the Tachyon Com Relays were destroyed. It was later discovered that the Draconis Empire perpetrated the attacks in order to close off its borders. By the end of the war, 70 years later, all of the Inner Spheres 50 colonies and the great interstellar corporations were no more. The Terran Empire was born.

The Age of Silence (2501-2699)

The aftermath of the First Stellar War was a difficult reconstruction period for the Terran Empire. They were hard pressed to pool all available resources into maintaining control and stability over the Inner Sphere. The Outer Sphere was essentially abandoned as soon as the Tachyon Com Relays were destroyed as the Henrich Barrier effectively blocked all other communication methods. The Outer Sphere worlds became impoverished as starvation, frustration, and petty hatreds became the norm. Much of the old corporation technology was worn out and rendered useless, as the knowledge to repair these items had been lost over time. Slowly but surely the Outer Colonies began to replenish themselves. Communication once again became available to the colonies and space travel was re-invented. The colonies eventually started diplomatic measures and two nations were born: The Northern Star Alliance, of 23 colonies, and the Intergalactic Trade Guild, of 6 colonies. Almost all colonies of the Outer Sphere were united in a galactic democracy through the ingenious machinations of a young man by the name of Aranis Guderian Warhurst. The NSA decided that Morningstar Prime would be the capital for the new nation. Prosperity was finally realized by the citizens of the NSA and life was peaceful. Peace and prosperity, however, can never last forever.

The Second Stellar War/ The Second Independence War (2699)

The Terran Empire struck without warning, without mercy. A massive fleet of ships systematically conquered planet after planet and at the front was a young woman by the name of Imperator Vlaana Azleea. The atrocities committed on Ariel Prime, the birthplace of the NSA, rightfully earned her the title 'The Butcher of Ariel'. As planets were conquered, once great cities were rendered mere dust and ashes in the face of ruthless orbital bombardments and land invasions. The NSA began to prepare a counter to the Empire's seemingly unstoppable advance. The NSA space fleet was mobilized and under the command of Admiral T. Parker was able to stand firm against the onslaught and stop the Terrans. Later on, the most significant event occurred when the idea of electromagnetic shield domes was put into effect in defending the cities of the NSA. With the domes in place, orbital bombardments were rendered useless, however the threat of ground invasion was still in place.
A promotional screenshot depicting a heated battle.

Current situation (2741)

42 years later, the war is looking grim for the Northern Star Alliance. The space fleet is no more, destroyed in one decisive battle outside Morningstar in 2730. Morningstar Prime remains free amongst the conquered NSA planets but even that status can't last forever. Terran troops land by the second and the citizens of the Northern Star Alliance are backed into a corner. Warhurst, now commander-in-chief of the NSA military, cannot continue to resist for much longer. New field commanders are mobilized to defend Morningstar Prime including Captain Jacob Angelus, however the war has taken its toll on both him and the military. Many are wearied from the constant fighting and it seems the only hope for the NSA is the realization of an ancient legend. A legend which could mean the end of humanity as we know it.

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