Sunday, May 3, 2009

Boiling Point - Road to hell

Plot Summary

Boiling Point begins with a cutscene that lays out the story. Lisa is a reporter. Thinking she could start out in the big league, she headed to South America in order to investigate and write about the drug trafficking trade and crime lords in the fictional country of Puerto Somba. As is often the case with those poking their nose around in places they aren't welcome, especially when those places are sensitive areas of evil men, Lisa gets caught and manages to send a phone call off to her dad moments before she's taken.

Saul, being the diligent father that he is, heads immediately to Puerto Somba and begins the search. At this point, Boiling Point seems a bit like any other shooter on the market. Revenge, rescue, mission... all reasons for running on level by level rampages of gun toting terror.

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