Plot Summary
Jagged Alliance 2 takes place in the nation of Arulco, ruled until the late 1980s by a unique democratic monarchy- a monarch led the nation, but elections were held every ten years to assert their legitimacy. In 1988, election candidate Enrico Chivaldori took a wife, Deidranna Reitman of Romania, in order to boost his popularity and consequently was victorious. However, Deidranna proved to be far more than a simple pawn; showing an unquenchable thirst for power, she soon framed Chivaldori for the murder of his father. Removing all other obstacles from her way, she soon consolidated her power and converted the nation into a totalitarian state.
When the game begins, Chivaldori has hired the player to remove Deidranna by whatever means necessary. He puts the player and his team of mercenaries in contact with a rebel movement in the northern city of Omerta, led by Miguel Cordona and a handful of his trusted advisors. Omerta suffered a massive raid shortly before the events of the game, leaving the town damaged and nearly deserted. Miguel guides the player to the city of Drassen, though the cities and countryside may be captured in any order, at the players leisure. Capturing cities opens the facilities they house. Sci-Fi mode includes an enemy not present in realistic mode: the "Crepitus.", a species of giant insect.
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