Monday, May 4, 2009

Path of Neo

Plot Summary

This game allows the player to participate in many of the major action scenes from the films. Most of these sequences, picked by the movie directors themselves, are taken from the first film in the series.[2][3]

At the start of the game, the player is hacker Thomas Anderson, and does not possess any of the powers tha

t the character will later discover as Neo. As the game continues, players learn new skills and techniques, equipping Neo for the final showdown with Agent Smith. These additional skills may be learned both in training levels and in the main game. Many of these skills are used by Neo in the trilogy, including the bullet dodge, bullet stop, and flight. A number of weapons are available in the game, consisting of both melee weapons (including various types of swords, staves, and escrimas) and firearms (assault rifle, submachine gun, pistol etc).

The game also allows the player to meet many of the characters in the films, including Trinity, Morpheus and the Merovingian, amongst others.

The game uses film excerpts as cut scenes throughout the game at certain milestones. This footage includes clips from the original Matrix theatrical films, and from other sources, including the short film series, The Animatrix and Shiny Entertainment's first Matrix game, Enter the Matrix. Despite these live-action and other cinematic additions, players who have had no previous exposure to The Matrix films might have difficulties in creating a clear picture of the storyline.

Prisoners of War

Plot Summary

The game begins with Captain Stone, who finds himself in a small holding camp with several other unlucky prisoners. He meets the other prisoners and goes around the camp doing tasks to help other prisoners who will in turn help him escape. He steals some currency, candy, cigarettes, etc. for some boot polish which he can use to darken his face and sneak around at night. JD is eventually caught and brought to the camp and with the information JD gives Stone they hatch an escape attempt. After a well thought out escape with his good buddy JD they are soon captured by General Stahl. Stahl kills JD for refusing to surrender and Stone reluctantly gives up. This causes Stone to develop a deep hatred that stays with him throughout the remained of the war.

Stone is transferred to Stalag Luft where he meets a friendly British officer and a not so much Polish officer who head the escape committee. After escaping through an abandoned tunnel, Stone is captured by a German patrol. He is sent to the infamous Castle Colditz.

Stone is placed in the non-troublesome group of prisoners. He tries to meet a former prisoner whom he briefly met at Stalag Luft who tells him that he must escape back into the Luft. Stone escapes through the sewers of Stalag Luft and is captured outside of the camp and is just throw in with the other prisoners because the Kommandant does not want General Stahl to hear of his faults.

Stone is sent on a mission by the escape committee to steal secret German documents (of the rocket) and to take photos of a new V2 rocket that is being built in the camp, so that Allied bombers will not bomb the camp. The escape committee analyzes the document and conclude they don't have time to contact London by mail, they decide to execute plan B. Stone is sent to call the bombers with the German radio. When the alarms sound, the prisoners prepare a mass escape and General Stahl orders to launch the rocket immediately. Stone goes to the laboratory and hides himself from Germans, disables the rocket. General Stahl is disappointed in the performance of the rockets and goes to Castle Colditz to look into the secret experiments in the castle.

Back in the courtyard of Colditz, Lewis Stone is discovered in the trunk of the General's car. With the German officer mistakenly believing Stone to have accidentally wound up in another prisoner of war camp, he gives Stone double rations for brightening his day. The escape committee reveals to Stone that Harding was building the famous Colditz Glider in the chapel attic. Stone finds the necessary pieces to complete the glider and successfully escapes from the castle, killing General Stahl in the process.

Project IGI

Plot Summary

David Jones is sent off to find Josef Priboi, a Russian arms dealer who is believed to have information on a stolen nuclear warhead. As he helps Captain Harrison, apprehend Josef, he discovers that the brains of the operation is Josef's uncle Jach, whom Jones then attempts to apprehend instead. He discovers his location by planting a virus in Jach's communications center.

While Jach Priboi is taken away in helicopter by Jones, he is shot down by Ekk. Jones then has to clear the border and find his equipment. He then hijacks the train carrying Priboi and takes him in for interrogation. Learning about the involvement of Ekk, he sets off to catch her and find the nuclear weapon.

Ekk escapes on her first meeting with Jones, but Jones kills her after finding her second hideout as well as the nuclear warhead.


The story is set in Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp, a remote US government training facility under the guise of a children's summer camp. The area was hit centuries ago by a meteor made of psitanium (a fictional element that can grant psychic powers or strengthen existing powers), creating a huge crater. The psitanium affected the local wildlife, giving them limited psychic powers, such as bears, with the ability to attack with telekinetic claws and cougars with pyrokinesis. The Native Americans of the area called psitanium "whispering rock", which they used to build arrowheads. When settlers began inhabiting the region, the psychoactive properties of the meteor slowly drove them insane. An asylum was built to house the afflicted, but within fifteen years the asylum had more residents than the town did. The government relocated the remaining inhabitants and flooded the crater to prevent further settlement, creating what is now Lake Oblongata. The asylum still stands but has fallen into disrepair.

The government took advantage of the psitanium deposit to set up a training camp for Psychonauts, a group of agents gifted with psychic abilities and used to help defeat evil-doers. The training ground is disguised as a summer camp for young children, but in reality helps the children to hone their abilities and to train them to be Psychonauts themselves. Due to this, only those recruited by the Psychonauts are allowed into the camp.

This image is a candidate for speedy deletion. It may be deleted after Saturday, 18 April 2009.

The protagonist and playable character of the game is Razputin "Raz" Aquato, the son of a family of circus performers, who runs away from the circus to become a Psychonaut, despite his father's wishes. When at camp, Raz meets four of the Psychonauts that run the camp: the cool and calculating Sasha Nein, the fun-loving Milla Vodello, the regimental Agent/Coach Morceau Oleander, and the aged Ford Cruller, said by Raz to have been the greatest leader the Psychonauts ever had, until a past psychic duel shattered Ford's psyche and left him with numerous quirky personalities and no memory of his real self (which explains why he's seen throughout the camp as a cook, ranger, admiral, etc.). Only when he's near the large concentration of Psitanium does his psyche come together enough to form his real personality. During his time at camp, Raz meets several of the other gifted children including Lili Zanotto, the daughter of the Grand Head of the Psychonauts, with whom he falls in love; and Dogen Bule, a boy who goes around with a tin foil hat to prevent his abilities from causing anyone's head from exploding. Raz also meets ex-residents of the insane asylum including ex-dentist Dr. Loboto, as well as Fred Bonaparte, an asylum inmate with dissociative identity disorder, also known as a split personality.

Raz (short for Razputin) is the main character of Psychonauts

Raz, fleeing from the circus, tries to sneak into Whispering Rock but is caught by the Psychonauts agents. Though they contact his parents so that they may recover Raz, they allow Raz to stay at camp though not allowing him to participate in the camp activities.[1] However, they recognize that Raz has strong psychic abilities. After Coach Oleander allows Raz to participate in "Basic Braining", Sasha, impressed by his performance, invites Raz to test how strong his abilities are.[2] While exploring his own mind, Raz comes across a vision of Dr. Loboto attempting to pull Dogen's brain from his head, claiming it to be a "bad tooth", but Raz is unable to overcome a mental barrier to see more.[3] When Raz returns to the real world, he finds that Dogen's brain has gone missing;[4] the Agents pass it off as part of Dogen's personality. Raz is able to overcome the mental barrier in his mind to learn that Dr. Loboto is working with Coach Oleander to extract the brains of the children and put them in psychic death tanks. Raz learns that Sasha and Milla have gone away from camp on official business, Coach Oleander is nowhere to be found, and learns that Lili has been chosen as the next victim, taken to the insane asylum for the process. Raz consults with Ford, who is unable to leave the camp but gives Raz a piece of bacon which he can use to contact Ford at any time.

Raz crosses the lake, and encounters the few remaining residents of the insane asylum. After Raz helps to resolve their mental issues, the residents help Raz to reach Dr. Loboto's laboratory at the top of the asylum. He finds that Oleander and Doctor Loboto have taken Lili, Sasha, and Milla hostage. Raz is able to free them, where they turn to fight Oleander and Loboto. As they fight, the insane asylum is burned down, and while the others escape safely, Oleander transfers his mind to one of the death tanks and attacks Raz. Raz defeats the tank, but upon his success, super sneezing powder is ejected from the tank, a last resort of Oleanders. The powder causes Raz to sneeze his brain out. Raz, without much choice, moves his brain into the tank, where his psyche merges with Oleander's.

Raz finds himself in a mental world that combines his own fears of the circus with Oleander's childhood features of his father, a butcher. Raz escorts "Little Oly", the child version of Oleander, safely through the world, and is able to defeat the gruesome visions of both of their fathers successfully. However, as their minds are still melded together, the two visions combine into a overall amalgam of the two that Raz is unable to defeat. Suddenly, Raz's real father shows up in the mental world, and explains to Raz that he too had psychic abilities, and did not mean to dissuade Raz from exploring them further. Together, the two are able to defeat the amalgam, and pull Raz' and Oleander's brains apart, restoring them to their proper bodies. As the rest of the children's brains are restored, Raz is congratulated for his outstanding work, and is allowed to become a Psychonaut by both the agents and his father. As he is leaving camp, news arrives that the Grand Head of the Psychonauts has been kidnapped. Raz and his fellow Psychonauts fly off to rescue him.


Plot Summary

The game revolves around a young man named Daniel Garner, who is happily married to his wife Catherine. At the start of the game, Daniel is about to take Catherine out for a birthday meal. As they drive towards their destination at high speed, in the pouring rain, Daniel takes his eyes off the road to look at his wife and while his attention is diverted, he ploughs their car into a truck. Both of them are killed instantly.

While Catherine manages to make it to Heaven and lives in harmony, Daniel is trapped in Purgatory and is told that in order to receive purification, he has to kill four of Lucifer's generals in order to prevent a war between Heaven and Hell. With little choice available to him Daniel accepts the task. After killing the first general, Daniel meets Eve who gives him information about the remaining generals.

With the forces of Hell seizing and corrupting various parts of Purgatory, Daniel goes through different and random phases of history within Purgatory, which range greatly from ancient times to the modern era. These include Medieval Europe, Babylon, the Crusades, 1800s and even a time slice of modern industry. After Daniel kills the last general, Alastor, Lucifer himself appears before Daniel and Eve and takes Eve back to hell. Daniel decides to go after them, and kills Lucifer. The game ends with Daniel and Eve defending themselves against Hell's demons.

Alternatively, if the game is finished in Trauma (the hardest difficulty in the game), Daniel can finally go to Heaven and reunite with Catherine.


Plot Summary

The game begins with the Punisher being captured by police officers after killing several men. He is then transferred to Rykers Island and interrogated by two police officers, Detectives Molly Van Richtofen and Martin Soap. The remainder of the game occurs in moments of flashback during this interrogation.

First, the Punisher invades a crackhouse, and kills its owner, dubbed Damage, by dropping him from several stories above the ground. After almost getting hit by a car upon his exit, the Punisher traces the vehicle to a chop shop. After killing every criminal there, he learns that it is owned by the Gnucci mafia family because the individual owner of the shop, Carlo Duka, is a Gnucci lieutenant. The Punisher kills Duka by dropping him in a car compactor where Duka is subsequently crushed. In a subsequent mission, the Punisher kills Bobby Gnucci, one of the sons of Ma Gnucci, the family's head, at Lucky's Bar by shooting him several times.

Ma Gnucci hires Bushwacker to capture Joan, a neighbor of the Punisher. The Punisher traces her to the Central Park Zoo, where he rescues her. The next mission occurs in Grey's Funeral Home, at the mob funeral of Bobby Gnucci, where the Punisher kills Eddie Gnucci, the other Gnucci son by throwing Eddie out a window and Eddie is impaled on a gate spike. The Punisher then travels to the Gnucci estate to kill Bushwacker and Ma Gnucci herself. After fighting his way through Ma's remaining men, as well as Bushwacker by defeating him in a gunfight, ripping his weapon arm off and shooting him in the chest, dropping him several stories above the ground. Castle throws Ma through her mansion's top floor window.

During the Punisher's assault at the Gnucci residence, he learns that the Gnuccis are getting drug money from Russian mercenaries on New York City's waterfront. At the docks, he hears that General Kreigkopf plans to smuggle nuclear weapons into New York City. After attacking men on a cargo ship supposedly carrying the weapon (it was not on board) and being assaulted in his apartment by a huge man called the Russian, the Punisher attacks Grand Nixon Island, his next lead on the weapon's location. On the island, the Punisher meets Nick Fury, who helps him to defeat Kreigkopf and the Russian, and to prevent the launch of the nuclear device. Both escape before the missile detonates, destroying the island.

Returning home, the Punisher discovers that the Kingpin has been taking over former Gnucci rackets. He raids the headquarters of the Kingpin's Fisk Industries, where he fights and defeats Bullseye by throwing him out a window from the top floor of the skyscraper. The Kingpin tells the Punisher that his real enemy is the Japanese Yakuza. The Punisher learns that this group of Yakuza are called the Eternal Sun, and they are trying to control remaining Gnucci and Russian crime operations.

The Punisher then visits Stark Towers, a facility owned by Tony Stark (Iron Man), after learning that the Eternal Sun are attempting to steal some high tech weapons and armor. The Punisher decides to assault the Takagi building, the home of the Eternal Sun leader, Takagi. He discovers that Jigsaw has infiltrated the gang, and is gaining followers. While Jigsaw is being imprisoned in Ryker's Island, the Eternal Sun is already planning to bust him out. After escaping the Takagi building, the Punisher allows himself to be captured by the police and taken to Rykers Island, to confront Jigsaw there, at which time, the flashbacks catch up to the story, and the remainder of the game takes place in the present.

During the interrogation, the prison erupts into a riot. The Punisher escapes from his cell, and starts fighting his way through the inmates and remaining Eternal Sun members the Punisher left alive. He reaches the rooftop and meets Jigsaw face to face, ultimately defeating him despite the stolen Iron Man armor Jigsaw was wearing. As the Punisher leaves in a helicopter, he throws Jigsaw out, killing him.

In the post-credits scene, the Kingpin is plotting his revenge against the Punisher for the embarassment he caused him as a medical worker is loading Bullseye onto the stretcher.

Resident Evil 3

Plot Summary

The player takes control of former STARS member Jill Valentine in her attempt to escape a ruined and zombie-infested Raccoon City. During her escape, she encounters three surviving members of the Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service (UBCS): Carlos Oliveira, Mikhail Victor and Nicholai Ginovaef. Mikhail sacrifices himself to save Jill from the Nemesis, a bio-organic weapon, and Jill escapes with Carlos.

The city's fate is resolved in the game's finale. The U.S. government, after hearing of unsuccessful efforts to avert the T-virus infestation, orders the destruction of Raccoon City with a nuclear missile. At this point in the game, the player has exactly fifteen minutes to escape the city before the missile strikes. While attempting to escape, Jill has to face the Nemesis one final time and blows it apart using a rail gun. Jill is about to escape when the Nemisis comes back for one last attack, but Jill guns it down. Jill then escapes Raccoon City.

Return of Mysterious Island

Plot Summary

Return to Mysterious Island follows Mina, a strong young woman alone on a round-the-world sailing expedition. Caught in a tremendous storm, she becomes stranded on the shores of a wild and apparently uninhabited island. As she explores her new surroundings, she uncovers artifacts, living spaces and technologies left behind by the people who came before her to this uncharted island.

Rise of Legends

Plot Summary

The game takes place on the world of Aio. Years ago, an alien ship fell on the planet, broken in 3 parts. Those parts fell on 3 regions.

The game begins with Lord Petruzzo, ruler of the Vinci city of Miana, his brother Giacomo, and General Carlini are sent with a group of soldiers to recover an object found in a mine shaft that is making the miners sick. When they arrive, they are attacked by the Doge of Venucci, a bloodthirsty warlord, who has already captured the mysterious device. The Doge fires a laser beam at a nearby outcrop, causing an avalanche. The rubble crushes Petruzzo and many of the soldiers. Giacomo sets out on a quest to kill the Doge and avenge his brother.

Along the way, Giacomo’s army helps the land of Pirata break a Venucci siege, and Lenora, their leader, joins Giacomo on his quest. Further on, they liberate Venucci political prisoners, and discover that Venucci has access to unknown technology.

Giacomo levels Venucci using a weapon that the Doge intended for Miana, Giacomo’s home city, called the Doge Hammer. However, he discovers that the Doge has taken another Hammer to Miana while the battle at Venucci was fought. On returning to Miana, Giacomo finds the city destroyed.

He pursues the Doge into the Alin Desert, where the army is attacked by the Dark Alin Marwan. They are saved by an army led by Giacomo’s friend, the Alin princess Arri. She takes Giacomo to the Alin king, who gives him rest but does not offer military aid. He tells the story of Sawu, the Dark Alin who was driven mad by an object that fell from the sky. Sawu began covering the land in a substance called Dark Glass. To stop the spread of Sawu’ influence, he was sealed in the city of Mezekesh. Giacomo leaves to break the seal and stop Sawu once and for all. He is accompanied by Arri, while Lenora returns to Pirata to prepare her armies.

Defeating Sawu cures his insanity. As Sawu is defeated, however, the Doge arrives to take the object that drove Sawu mad. With the help of the armies of Pirata, the object is kept away from the Doge and the Doge is killed. An alien ship arrives at this time to take the object and the one the Doge stole at the beginning of the game.

Giacomo wants to know more about these “aliens”, so he travels to Cuotl Rainforest, where there have been reports of them being seen. When he arrives, he finds Ix, the Moon God, one of the False Gods that rule the Cuotl, searching for an object like the ones mentioned before, now revealed to be pieces of Cuotl technology. Giacomo battles with Ix, but is nearly defeated until Carlini arrives and kills Ix. Czin, the god of death, then arrives, seeking the device. Giacomo attempts to stop him, but is badly injured when the device explodes. Carlini challenges Czin, and he kills Carlini with little fight.

Giacomo has gained strange new powers from the explosion, which have altered his body and mind. He spends some time building a robotic walker suit to simulate the power that Ix had, so that he can avenge Carlini’s death. He is joined by Kakoolha, rightful leader of the Cuotl, in his assault on the Cuotl gods. When Giacomo's army reaches Czin's capital city, they discover that the Death God is preparing a massive machine that will bring about the apocalypse. Giacomo confronts Czin inside the massive machine, and eventually kills him. After slaying Czin, Giacomo is faced by a mysterious holographic image of what appears to be an alien. Giacomo then destroys the machine while still inside it, and the entire structure explodes.

Later, in the Vinci city-states, statues of Giacomo are made in remembrance of him, and Lenora is now tasked with the matter of unifying the Vinci under a single banner. Arri leaves to travel the world, exiled by her father, the king, for helping Giacomo. The Cuotl, under Kakhoola's rule, are adapting to the new technology the False Gods spread among them.


Plot Summary

A great Sakkara demon was conjured into existence by the necromancer Shaddar. The conjuring went wrong, and the Sakkara demon is now loose in the world of Ancaria. The heroes must find the five elements of Ancaria (wind, fire, earth, water, void), and use them to defeat the monster. Each hero has different objectives along the way, but eventually, they all lead up to this one final quest.


Plot Summary

SWAT 4 features a single-player campaign in which the player has to lead their SWAT element through 13 missions. The missions are not related and there is no overarching storyline. The game aims to have gameplay similar to real SWAT experience. For example, it encourages the use of non-lethal force to subdue and arrest subjects rather than incapacitating or killing them. In addition, players must follow strict protocol to ensure proper use of force. Players may not fire on suspects with lethal weapons unless the suspect points their firearm at a fellow officer or a civilian. Penalties are given for unauthorized use of force, injuries to hostages, officer incapacitation, and personal injury. On the higher difficulty levels, more points are required to pass the mission, with 100 being perfect. On the most difficult level, Elite, players need a 95/100 to pass, and will fail for killing even a single suspect, losing more than two team members without committing an infraction, or committing any infraction in addition to being injured, as each of these actions result in the loss of more than 5 points.

The player is the leader in a five-man SWAT element made up of the leader and four other men that are divided into two pairs, called "teams". The teams are assigned colors, "red" or "blue". The player does not assume direct control over the other officers. However, orders can be issued from an order selection menu, ranging from clearing a room to covering an area and handcuffing a compliant person. Additionally, a video camera is mounted on each police officer's helmet. This allows the leader to see what other members of the element see, and to issue appropriate orders to a team that is in another location.

All missions start with a pre-mission briefing which describes the situation and gives whatever details are available on the suspects and/or hostages. For some missions, a 911 call is heard, which can give a clue on what to expect, and what equipment should be chosen for that situation. The briefing identifies mission goals, which consists of bringing order to chaos by arresting or neutralizing all suspects, and rescue all hostages or other civilians. Sniper support may also be provided, but the snipers' views are limited to static parts of the map, often covering a single window. Different objectives may include the capture of a specific suspect, finding out the fate of an undercover officer, or defusing explosives. After the briefing, the player can choose equipment for themselves and the other four officers. Some mission maps also provide for multiple entry points.

A perfect score may be gained in a campaign by arresting all suspects and rescuing all civilians, securing all weapons, reporting all status updates, not suffering any losses to the team, and not receiving injury. The missions progress from poorly armed suspects to well-equipped soldiers with weaponry such as AK-47s. Suspects may also obtain gas masks, helmets, and body armor. Suspects who cannot be arrested or who will not cooperate when verbally challenged must be neutralized according to SWAT protocol.

SWAT 4 uses the concept of authorized and unauthorized use of weapons. Most situations require the officers to give the suspect a warning to give them the chance to surrender. Shooting without warning is considered unauthorized use of force or deadly force, depending on whether the player kills the suspect. A non-compliant suspect that does not point his weapon at another person may not be lawfully shot. A single unauthorized use of force deducts 5 points, while deadly force deducts 10 points - in addition to the loss of score because of not taking suspects alive. Shooting without warning is allowed if the suspect is pointing their weapon at a hostage or a SWAT team member or if they open fire. Suspect reactions to warnings differ - some may attempt to hide and set up and ambush, some immediately surrender, others will flee and some will open fire. Some suspects may also pretend to surrender and open fire or run. If a hostage is killed, the mission is automatically deemed a failure.

The characters in SWAT 4 are easily injured. Even though all members of the element are equipped with armor, they can be incapacitated quickly. If the player is incapacitated, then the mission ends in failure. Lightly wounded players suffer gameplay penalties depending on injury locations. Leg injuries result in a limp, and arm injuries result in loss of accuracy.

Saga Ralley


Street RAce Syndicate

Plot Summary

This game features an underground import racing scene, on which the player's main objective is to gain respect and affection of various females in the city. This is featured in a way that the player must win a variety of respect challenges to attract girls and maintain a good victory streak in order to ensure that they remain with the player. Once in their car, the girls will present the next open race that the player enters. As the player continues to win races, dance videos will be unlocked for viewing.

The game has 50 licensed cars from a variety of manufactures, including models from Nissan,Toyota, Mitsubishi, Lexus, Subaru, and Volkswagen. SRS also features a car damage model that forces the player to drive carefully, heavy damages may impact car performance and heavy repairs may drain the player of money earned from their last race.

Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow

Plot Summary

The main flashpoint in Pandora Tomorrow is Indonesia, in the year 2006, where the U.S. has established a military presence in the newly independent nation of East Timor to train that country's military forces in their fight against anti-separatist Indonesian guerrilla militias. Foremost among these Indonesian militias is the Darah Dan Doa (Blood and Prayer), led by Suhadi Sadono.

Charismatic militia leader Sadono, once trained by the C.I.A. to help fight Communist influences in the region, has grown resentful of the U.S. support of East Timor and its interference with his country's sovereignty. Sadono initiates a suicide bombing and follow up attack on the U.S. Embassy to Dili, capturing a number of U.S. military and diplomatic personnel including Douglas Shetland, an old friend and comrade of Splinter Cell Sam Fisher.

Fisher is sent to infiltrate the embassy and gather intelligence on the Darah Dan Doa. Fisher succeeds in his mission, and the U.S. Embassy is retaken by Delta Force. Sadono escapes, and the U.S. launches a military campaign on Indonesian soil in an attempt to hunt him down, much to the protests of the Indonesian government.

Fisher ultimately learns that Sadono has masterminded a scheme known as "Pandora Tomorrow", by placing a series of biological bombs (ND103's) equipped with the smallpox virus on American soil. Every 24 hours, Sadono makes encrypted phone calls to each of the bomb carriers to delay the release of the virus. If he is killed or detained, the virus is released and millions of Americans will die. Because Sadono is fighting on the front lines in the conflict, the U.S. cannot risk killing him, and is forced to withdraw its forces.

Fisher is sent to infiltrate Darah Dan Doa strongholds in order to learn the location of the smallpox bombs. He is assisted in this endeavor by Shetland and Shetland's PMC, Displace International. Fisher ultimately learns the location of the bombs, and Shadownet spies are sent in to neutralize them, bringing an end to Sadono's threat against the U.S.

Third Echelon decides to capture Sadono alive instead of merely assassinating him, due to the problems created when Fisher assassinated President Nikoladze in 2004.

Although Fisher manages to capture Sadono, Third Echelon learns that a rogue C.I.A. agent, Norman Soth has acquired the last smallpox-armed ND133, and intends to detonate it in Los Angeles' LAX airport. Soth cares nothing for Indonesia, but intends to get revenge on America for betraying him years earlier. Fisher infiltrates LAX, kills Soth and his group of terrorists (disguised as airport workers and security guards), and prevents the detonation of the last smallpox-armed ND133 by disguising himself as a maintenance worker and setting the ND133 down behind two airport security guards, who notice the device almost immediately, and have the airport evacuated. The L.A.P.D. Bomb Squad is then called in to perform a controlled explosion of the device, which is done by an unmanned vehicle using reinforced steel.

Plot Summary

The plot of Chaos Theory sees a return to the original Splinter Cell's theme of information warfare, with Sam Fisher on the trail of the Masse Kernels used by former Georgian President Kombayn Nikoladze to attack America's infrastructure.

The game takes place in East Asia, during the Summer of 2007. Tensions are running high between China, South Korea, North Korea, and Japan, due to Japan's formation of an Information Self Defense Force (I-SDF) (an event mentioned in a news report in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow). Considering this to be a violation of Article 9 the Post-World War II Constitution, Chinese and North Korean forces establish a blockade in the Yellow Sea against Japanese shipping. Because Japan and the I-SDF are allies of the United States and Third Echelon, the United States Navy dispatches its most advanced warship, the USS Clarence E. Walsh, to the Yellow Sea. The U.S. hopes this show of strength will get China and North Korea to back down.

Meanwhile, in a seemingly unrelated incident, Sam Fisher is dispatched to locate Bruce Morgenholt, a computer programmer who was captured by a Peruvian separatist group called "The People's Voice", led by Hugo Lacerda, and worked on deciphering Phillip Masse's algorithms. Masse, whom Sam assassinated in the original Splinter Cell, was a genius far ahead of his time, and the algorithms he used to launch his attacks on America have been extensively studied by the United Nations. The resulting Masse Kernels are being touted as the superweapon of the 21st century. Sam is tasked with making sure they do not fall into the wrong hands.

Sam arrives too late to prevent Morgenholt's death. He is also unsuccessful in stopping the release of the Masse Kernels. Sam is told to go on board the Maria Narcissa to assassinate Hugo Lacerda and track the weapon deliveries so they can find out who they are dealing with. After completing the mission, and a mission in a Panamanian bank, unknown parties use the algorithms to black out Japan and the Eastern Seaboard, including New York City. Japan has previously suffered similar attacks that crashed its economy, and Admiral Otomo of the I-SDF contacts Third Echelon and warns them that North Korea and China are probably responsible. Meanwhile, following a lead discovered in a bank in Panama, Sam travels to New York to investigate Abrahim Zherkhezi, a man who worked with Morgenholt on Project Watson. He finds that Displace International, a private military corporation owned by Douglas Shetland, is protecting him. He breaks into the Displace offices and learns of Milan Nedich, later identified as "Milos Nowak", a Bosnian war criminal. Fisher finds that Nowak secretly relocated him to Hokkaido.

Sam travels to Hokkaido and meets with Shetland, who claims that Nedich is clean. Regardless, Fisher infiltrates the hideout that Zherkezi is being held in. There, Sam kills Nedich, and witnesses Shetland murdering Zherkezi with either a pistol or katana. Shetland escapes and goes underground.

Meanwhile, the American show of force backfires when the USS Walsh is sunk by a North Korean anti-ship missile on July 4, initiating a war between North Korea and South Korea/United States. Since North Korea claims the missile was launched unintentionally, Sam is sent to the Korean Peninsula, including the South Korean capital city of Seoul, to determine if North Korea is truly responsible for sinking the USS Walsh, or if the Masse Kernels are involved. (Note that the sinking of the Walsh and the U.S.-North Korea war is the plot for the PlayStation 2 and GameCube versions of Ghost Recon 2.)

Sam eventually learns that the entire war has been orchestrated by Displace International. Displace used the Masse Kernels gained from Zherkhezi to hijack North Korea's missile systems and sink the Walsh, in order to draw the U.S. into a war from which Displace could profit through its status as a leading American PMC. Sam also realizes the mastermind behind the entire plot is none other than his old war comrade and friend, Douglas Shetland. Ultimately, Third Echelon sends him to spy on a meeting between Shetland and Shetland's unknown accomplices, who shockingly turn out to be the I-SDF. At the meeting, the I-SDF betray Shetland, and a firefight subsequently breaks out between Shetland's soldiers and I-SDF assault troops. Amidst the chaos, Sam pursues Shetland to the roof, where, after a tense Mexican standoff, Sam kills Shetland.

Even after Shetland's death, one loose end remains. Admiral Otomo of the I-SDF has acquired a copy of the Masse Kernels from Shetland, and attempts to return Japan to Imperial rule by blackmailing the Japanese government officials and senior JSDF officers. He threatens to use the algorithms to launch a North Korean missile against a Japanese city. Because North Korea would be supported by China, and Japan would be backed by the U.S, the incident would spark World War III. Although Otomo's loyalist I-SDF soldiers manage to fight off the JGSDF commandos sent to stop him, Sam infiltrates the I-SDF's lowest levels and manages to put an end to Otomo's plans, possibly after being captured and interrogated by, and escaping from, I-SDF troops. Otomo attempts to commit seppuku, but Sam saves his life and captures him. Otomo stands trial at the United Nations and takes full responsibility for the entire Korean crisis, returning stability to the Far East.

Co-op storyline

Two N.S.A. operatives start off the campaign with basic training, introducing the players to the game-play elements of the cooperative play. Uncharacteristically, they are given similar weapons as Sam Fisher, boosting them to lethal status. After passing training, the operatives are sent to Panama, tying up the loose ends and clues that Sam Fisher picked up from Hugo Lacerda. The operatives interrogate the Vice President of the bank and sifted through all available records to find out that other than aiding Hugo Lacerda, the bank had aided North Korea in smuggling nuclear and chemical weapons through Panama. A name, Jong-Pom-Chu appears in the records. Shortly after completing the mission, Lambert promotes the operatives into "Splinter Cells-in-Training".

The action then picks up in a war-torn South Korea, with the operatives trying to locate Jong-Pom-Chu. The operatives were tasked to destroy any anti-air vehicles and look for the Korean scientist. Unfortunately he was moved during the mission, and Sam Fisher needed to interrogate a North Korean Special Forces soldier to find out where. The operatives dismiss the idea that he is another Splinter Cell, as they believe they are the first. The trainees eventually evacuate Jong in a truck.

The operatives were then sent to a chemical missile bunker in North Korea, sometime after the end of the single-player campaign. The operatives were tasked to investigate what type of weapons development Jong was involved with. The operatives then later found out that the North Koreans were developing viral weapons, using monkeys as the guinea pigs. Lambert ultimately gives the order to create an anti-virus and retrieve a viral sample from a warhead. The operatives managed to exfiltrate by boat.

The operatives were then placed in New York City, tasked to disarming bombs in the train systems planted by rogue North Korean personnel attempting to recover a virus stashed in a locker. With help from Jong, the operatives recover the virus and manage to thwart the investigating North Korean soldiers.

The operatives are sent on a return trip back to North Korea, this time investigating a nuclear power plant. The operatives were tasked to finding out who helped Kim, the leading North Korean officer behind the weapons fiasco.

The operatives' final mission ends up at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, putting a stop to a now-desperate Kim's plan to blow up the building before an important meeting takes place. The operatives kill Kim and disarm the bomb the North Korean agents planted.

Sins of Solar Empire

Plot Summary

The three races in the game are the TEC (Trader Emergency Coalition), the Advent, and the Vasari.[4]

TEC (Trader Emergency Coalition)

The Trade Emergency Coalition goes back a thousand years on their homeworld, Earth, prior to the appearance of the Advent, where human colonized worlds grouped together to create the Trade Order. The order was led by a strict code of economic, moral and behavioral principles, thus sending all planets part of the order into a "Golden Age", where their economy society flourished and grew. At one point in history the Trade Worlds cast out the Advent, a religious sect that the Traders despised (see below).

With a beginning, an end must come for the golden age of the traders. It came in the shape of the Vasari, who entered the scene as they fled from their unknown enemy. To defend against the Vasari, the Traders formed the TEC, mobilized their economy into a military economy and managed to hold the Vasari off by converting their merchant vessels and colony ships into warships, and with repurposing of factories came the Kol Battleship- being the first battleship design in 750 years.

The Advent then returned being much more powerful and started a two-front war. This forced the TEC to have veterans return to the navy to fight back the Advent.

The TEC tends to have heavily armored units and mostly focus on ballistic weapons (missiles and gauss guns) and less on lasers. They have a mixed close-to-long range arsenal but mostly focused on the latter. Their preferred planets are terran planets. Due to the past focus on trade and resource gathering, the TEC is able to produce ships and structures cheaper and faster in their tech tree. The TEC's late game researches, Pervasive Economy and Foreign Sabotage, gives the faction income from all enemy expenditures and drastically decreases enemy empires' ship production rates. They also have the ability to initiate rebel insurgency strikes on enemy empires (and even pirates) when appropriate research has been conducted.

Most of TEC ship abilities are single target and direct action. The fleet is disadvantaged numerically against the Advent and technologically against the Vasari. Still, with upgrades, TEC vessels will boast increasingly higher hit points, and the highest researchable armor class in the game. This, combined with the Hoshiko Cruiser's dedicated repair function, makes the TEC tough and stubborn opponents in a battle of attrition.


The Advent was originally a collectivist religious sect of desert-dwelling humans that made significant advances in psionic technique through neurochemicals and implants. Their society is collectively known as "The Unity". Exiled from Trader space for their differences a thousand years before, they have now returned to exact vengeance on the TEC and unite the human species under the Unity's banner. The Advent tend to favor cheap, lightly-armored ships, preferring the elegance of shielding systems to clothing themselves in iron. Their weapons are almost exclusively energy-based; lasers and plasma rule the field, though certain units have psionic special abilities. Their units are very sleek and clean in shape, unlike the more industrial-military designs favored by the TEC. They prefer desert planets due to their history. Being missionary-minded, they can research culture-spreading buildings ("Temples of Communion" in Advent parlance) before either of the other two races.

The faction's key strength lies in its abilities. Almost every Advent ship class has an ability of some kind, and the specialized cruisers and all capital ships have abilities focused on enhancing or protecting the fleet as a whole. With the Halcyon Carrier's ability to reduce weapon cooldown (and hence increase Damage per second) for the fleet, and the Progenitor Mothership's ability to create damage propagation in a cluster of enemies, an Advent fleet can reach an almost unmatchable rate of damage.

The Advent frigate fleet is notable for their relatively low cost. Unfortunately, this comes at the expense of durability and firepower. Only with sufficiently high numbers can a fleet reach a formidable damage potential; and this potential would be quickly lost if relatively fragile ships cannot be properly protected. To this end, their Guardian Cruiser's Extends Shield (area shield umbrella) and Radiance Battleship's Animosity (force enemies to attack battleship) abilities provide the critical support for the fleet.


The Vasari are the only alien race in the game. The Vasari Empire was once the strongest in the galaxy, formed by peacefully assimilating primitive races and brutally crushing more advanced ones, turning the populations of both into "valued citizens". However, at some point they started losing contact with their worlds. At first, it was believed to be acts of rebellion, or the work of traitors, but as more worlds were lost, it became clear the situation was very serious. Fleets were sent to deal with the problem, but none of them ever returned, and the Vasari still had no clue as to the identity of the attacker. Finally, the Vasari recalled all of the available ships of their conquering fleet, the Dark Fleet, and sent them all to the last planet they lost contact with. Only one battleship returned, literally falling apart, with its crew driven completely insane with fear. It was then that the Vasari Empire as a whole began to flee, leaving their home systems behind, stopping only to harvest resources, rebuild their population, and to drop warning beacons in order to determine how close behind the unknown enemy was. As they fled, the beacons fell silent one by one, prompting the Vasari to continue their journey. Arriving in TEC space, the Vasari began their routine of conquering in order to collect resources. The campaign went smoothly at first, with the TEC having forgotten all the ways of war, but the TEC recovered and after 10 years, the Vasari are in a complete deadlock, with still more and more of their warning beacons going dark. It is never really mentioned who or what the Vasari's unknown enemies are, only a rumor that they actually created it.

The Vasari tend to have fewer, but more expensive units that have extremely hardened hulls. Their ships utilize technology beyond that of other factions. An example is the Phase Missile technology boasted by many ship classes, missiles with a possibility of entirely bypassing defensive shields. Another, more important advantage is the Phase Stabilizing Node. Once constructed, a Vasari ship may travel directly between any two Nodes in one phase jump. This completely eliminates the need for time-consuming sublight voyages required to enter and exit a celestial object's gravity well during transit involving multiple jumps. Ultimately, this gives unparalleled versatility for a Vasari fleet to quickly reinforce or harass planets along its border.

Being an alien species that expands its influence through forced slavery, Vasari culture is not prone to passive expansion through media broadcast centers. Instead, Vasari's Shock and Awe upgrades give their capital ships the intimidation required in converting allegiance with their mere presence. While the presence of capital ships gives cultural influence for all factions, the Vasari is particularly adept.

Compared with the Advent, Vasari special abilities focus on dominating or incapacitating enemy ships rather than inflicting direct damage. Though their ships are more durable than those of the TEC, their durability/resource ratio is surpassed late game due to TEC upgrades. Nevertheless, Vasari fleet's technological superiority gives them numerous tactical and strategic options no other faction is capable of, making it capable of utterly crushing a force ill prepared to counter its versatility.

Soldier of Fortune - PAyback time


Soldier of Fortune - Double helix

Plot Summary

The theme of the sequel is germ warfare, as Mullins and his new partner Madeline Taylor travel to Colombia to investigate a viral outbreak in a small town, only to link it to a shadowy organization called Prometheus. The virus, called Romulus, is followed by a computer virus called Remus which is programmed to delete files on any computer in the world, in this case, files relating to Prometheus and Romulus, so an anti-virus cannot be formulated. Prometheus then plans to blackmail the G8 countries at a summit in Switzerland for billions of dollars. It is revealed throughout the course of the game that a mole inside The Shop may be feeding information to the terrorists.

Soldier of Fortune

Plot Summary

The story involves the theft of nuclear weapons, and the main enemy turns out to be an Afrikaner Neo-Nazi group based in Germany, led by Sergei Dekker. At the beginning of the game, terrorists steal four nuclear weapons from a storage facility in Russia, and proceed to sell them to various third world nations. This is a prelude to the acquisition of advanced weapons of mass destruction by this terrorist group.

John Mullins, working as a Soldier of Fortune for a US-based mercenary organization known only as "The Shop", and his partner, Aaron "Hawk" Parsons, are assigned to prevent the nukes from falling into the wrong hands, and stop the terrorists in their plans.

Stalker: Clear Sky

Plot Summary

Clear Sky is a prequel to the events in Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl.

The player assumes the role of Scar, a veteran Stalker mercenary who was injured and rendered unconscious by an energy emission while guiding a group of scientists through the Zone. Scar, the lone and somehow lucky survivor, is rescued by Clear Sky, a secret and independent Zone faction dedicated to researching and understanding the Zone in order for humanity to better understand what kind of phenomena it is facing. It is not known how Scar survived, but it is noted he has suffered damage to the nervous system and now has an unusual characteristic around him. After becoming familiar with Clear Sky, a patrol at an outpost in the swamps is under attack and Lebedev requests Scar helps them out, especially as some of the men there saved Scar's life. After fighting off mutants keeping the team pinned, a second emission suddenly occurs. Scar is once again the sole survivor, recovered shortly after the emission died down. The leader of Clear Sky, Lebedev, is amazed by how Scar is still alive. The Clear Sky lead researcher, Chebekov, believes Scar has accquired some "unusual ability" that allows him to navigate and survive anomolies and parts of the zone that would practically kill any ordinary man. Lebedev begins to therorize that the Zone is being disrupted by a dramatic increase in energy emissions, emanating from the Chernobyl power plant in the center of the Zone. Human activity is believed to be the cause. In other words, the emissions are part of an "immune response" the zone has. Someone has made it to the center of the zone, which is supposedly "meant to be taboo" and the zone itself is trying to consume that person in order to preserve its secrets. Besides endangering all the Stalkers in the Zone, Scar is heavily at risk too, already badly damaged by both previous emmissions. Every emission harms the nervous system and future ones will eventually kill him if they continue. If the irregular and dramatic increase of emissions continues, the zone could eventually become highly unstable and run out of control, which may have disastrous and unknown effects for the zone and the outside world.

Scar is tasked with finding out about any activity regarding Stalkers trying to reach the center of the zone. The only peice of information he has to go on at first is that an unusual group of Stalkers were talking to the trader, Sidorovich, in the Cordon, the southern boundary of the zone. After assisting Clear Sky forces regain control of the swamps, Scar makes his own way to the Cordon, where he is contacted by Sidorovich. Narrowly escaping the Military outpost next to his entry point, Scar meets Sidorovich, who knows a great deal about what is happening in the Cordon and have met the stalkers Lebedev mentioned. He doesn't see a reason to stretch his memory about them until Scar asks if there is something that would make him talk. Sidorovich likes the idea of "talking business" and discusses his problem. Certain events have caused Loners and Military to turn on one another. The result makes a case of loot that the Loners were meant to deliver go missing. It doesn't do well for Sidorovich, as "the client is rare and the loot is rather unique". The deal is that if Scar can find and bring the case, Sidorovich will be shed some information about the stalkers. This can only be achievied if Scar co-operates with the Loners. As the leader Valerian reveals, Loners and the Military were fighting because the Loners were being double-crossed and ambushed by bandits, who were given locations of Loner activity. The only thing preventing them from being destroyed by the main brute of the Military is the captured commander, Kheletsky. He can't be set free and he can't be killed either. When Kheletsky refuses to reveal the lcoation, Velarian believes that they need to eliminate key forces who would attempt to rescue the commander. Doing this will force Kheletsky to crack. He eventually gives in and reveals the location of the case, which Scar collects and brings to Sidorovich.

Sidorovich, thanking Scar for bringing the case, is now willing to satisfy his end of the deal. He explains that the group that visited him were looking for some exotic parts he did not have in store, notably one of the members, Fang. Fang bought what he want from Sidorovich and when asked where to find the other parts he wanted, he was directed to the Garbage, where piles of old relics and unwanted objects similar to the request could be found. Scar heads to the Garbage to try and find Fang, but stumbles along a PDA belonging to a team that Fang double-crossed. After saving the messenger of the group who was pursuing, it is said that Fang ventured alone into the Dark Valley. Scar heads to the Dark Valley to find the Freedom faction, trying to control the area from mysterious attacks and losses of numbers of comrades. When Scar helps Freedom in order for information about Fang, he finds that mercenaries are being sent upon Freedom by a renegade commander who is attempting to flee. Scar helps Freedom deal with the mercenaries and the renegade commander, eventually clearing out their base of operations at an abandoned factory. To fulfill his end of the bargain, the Freedom leader tells Scar that Fang returned to the Garbage shortly after visiting the base for the parts he needed. Scar gets pointed to the Flea Market back in the Garbage and departs, hot on Fang's trail.

When he reaches the basement of the Flea Market, he is ambushed and is rendered unconscious by bandits. The bandits had laid the trap for Fang, in which they failed to stop him fleeing, now catching Scar instead. They care not about Fang, saying that he dropped his equipment and that's all that matters. They take Scar's equipment and run, leaving Scar alone. Lebedev hails Scar via PDA and tells him Fang's PDA is nearby. Upon discovering it, Lebedev's suspicions are correct. A message to Fang reveals that his friends are aware someone, assuming Clear Sky or Scar, knows that they've been to the center of the zone and there's a change in plans, which are detailed in a stash hidden in the Agroprom underground. Lebedev confirms that they are the ones the zone is trying to destroy, but its not clear how they got past the Brain Scorcher or why exactly they are doing this. Netherless, Lebedev reaches a conclusion. Either Fang and his friends are stopped or the zone will run out of control. Scar is tasked to pursue the team by any means possible. Before that, Scar will need to recover his equipment from the bandits who stole it, which is a difficult task as he has nothing to protect himself with except a leftover pistol.

He travels to Agroprom Institute, which is in the hands of Duty, the rival of Freedom. If Scar allies with Freedom, he will find it harder to complete this part of the plot. The zone is being overwhelmed by very dangerous mutants and the commander of Duty is hard pressed trying to remove them. When it is found that Fang went to the underground, Scar volunteers to head into there and rout out the mutants as a way to return the favour of information being spilled. Battling through mutants and bandits, he discovers the stash mentioned from the Flea Market. The log contains a recording from Strelok, the protaganist of Shadow from Chernobyl. His team, comprising of himself, Fang and Ghost, are going to head to the NPP once again, directly through the Brain Scorcher, in order to reach the Wish Granter. Their intentions clear, Lebedov gives Scar the undeniably difficult task of killing Strelok before he reaches the center. While Scar pursues him, Clear Sky will ambush and stop Fang and Ghost. After escaping the underground, it is time for the travel north, in which many obstacles await.

The first problem is in Yantar, a Loner dominant zone. The factory near the science bunker is swarming with hordes of zombies, ordinary people whose brains have melted due to a powerful psi field there. Professor Sakharov, who is operating in the area tells Scar that Strelok had passed through the region. While in Yantar, he volunteered to test a prototype device. In return, Strelok was allowed to keep the finished product. The device itself would allow the user to completely resist and block psi emission effects, like the Brain Scorcher. To help with the zombie problem, Scar locates a dead group of dead stalkers who were moments ago alive near the plant, with accquired notes about a cooling device in the plant designed to reduce psy emissions. However, the unstable field of recent is due to a failure in the system. In order to proceed, it needs to be repaired so that the psy emissions around the factory cease. Scar teams up with a Loner named Lefty and his crew who battle through the Zombie hordes and restart the coolant pumps inside the factory. Without the emissions, there should be no more problems. Professor Sakharov thanks Scar for his aid before informing him that a signal from the prototype device is being detected. According to the signal, Strelok is in the Red Forest. Scar quickly proceeds forward.

Strelok is directly in plain sight. Lebedev hurries Scar to stop Strelok, who responds with threats of death if the pursuit did not cease. After chasing him to a motorized bridge, an ambush springs from hired Loners and Scar must fend it off. Strelok takes advantage of this and is the sole escapee, blowing up a tunnel behind him. He assures Scar that it is no longer possible to follow him and clearly states that he will reach the center whatever it takes. Lebedev makes contact again. The tunnel was the quickest way to the plant, which is through the Brain Scorcher. The only possible way now is through Limansk, on the other side of the bridge. Lebedev tries to think of a way to reach the other side so. The bridge is raised, is sitting over highly radioactive water and controlled by bandits, who gaurded the operating console. Scar is directed to an old Forester in the Red forest, protected by Duty, who may know a way. Forester is regared as a famous guide in these parts, who can literally disocover safe parts in areas he has never been in before. Upon meeting Scar who navigates the forest, he tells Scar he knows of a way. A group of Stalkers and Mercenaries, guided by a man called Leshiy, were attempting to reach the other side but ended up in a spatial anomaly, effectively trapped somewhere near Limansk. They are unable to escape, as any attempts only brings them back at the start. To help them, Scar visits a group of Mercenaries aligned with Leshiy at the ravaged Military warehouses, who reported some radio transmissions appearing near a tower. When Scar arrives, he hears what is happening to the trapped group in the Spatial Anomaly. He then helps in recovering a unique artifact for Forester which enables him to navigate the zone. Forester believes it could to used to help guide the team out of the anomaly. One task remains. Scar must deliver the group co-ordinates that will help them leave and free themselves from the anomaly.

Scar is directed back to the Military warehouses, where he reunites with the mercenaries. They know of a military radio transmitter which is powerful enough to transmit the needed coordinates to Leshy's team. Unfortunately, it is guarded at a base by what is believed to be the last of the Military. The Military have been reduced significantly down to a few squads because they could no longer hold the barrier. The leader, Hog, pairs Scar with Kostian, a freedom stalker leading an attack squad who are making a raid at the same place and owes Hog for being rescued weeks ago. After fighting heavy resistance at the base, Scar powers up the transmitter and waits as Leshy and his team is freed. They are now on the other side of the bridge. Lebedev acts on this action. Convincing Leshy and his team to aid Clear Sky in reaching the other side, a large contingent of Clear Sky soldiers head to the bridge, awaiting Scar's arrival so they can make a push. When he does get there, he assists Lebedv and the Clear Sky forces to provide cover from bandits for Leshy's team while they lower the bridge. After a heated battle, both sides succeed and share thier grattitude. Clear Sky then begins to make the push through Limansk. Lebedev tells Scar to join the first advance team and spearhead the charge.

The pressure is on at this stage. Limansk has been turned into a street war between bandits, remaining Military forces and, if Scar did not encounter them at the barrier in the Military Warehouses, Monolith. Clear Sky helps Scar push foward, having to face many obstacles. Monolith has heavily entrenched themselves within the city in their attempt to prevent anything and anyone from reaching the NPP. Scar faces many osbstacles, such as clearing out machinegun emplacements cutting power to electrical fences blocking the way out of Limansk. Once he has made it past, the only thing that's left is the underground part of an abandoned hospital. Another advance team is pinned down by Monolith, who are swarming in large numbers. Scar and Clear Sky forces work together to make a push through the hospital so they can get to the NPP. There is harsh resistance, but Scar pulls through. But during the process, an Mi-17 (Mi-8MT) helicopter controlled by the Military appears, opening fire on everyone in the Hospital, including Scar, and preventing progress. Scar eventually defeats the helicopter alone while the advance team catches up. After clearing passage to a network of tunnels, the advance team stays behind, giving Scar a window to reach the NPP.

The final battle is at hand. Strelok is within the vicinity, attempting to break through Monolith, Clear Sky and surprisingly Duty, who have somehow reached the centre and are taking up arms against Monolith. Lebedev thanks Scar for helping them reach the center and now needs his help to settle the score once and for all. Given a prototype Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Gauss Rifle, Scar must use it to disrupt the psy-blocker device on Strelok. Without the aid of the device, Strelok will not last much longer from the psi emissions. The activity in the zone is also believed to stabalise after Strelok is defeated. Fighting his way through Monolith on the upper parts of the NPP, Scar uses the Gauss rifle to disrupt the device which he succeeds in doing. Strelok is defeated and readings are taken to see if the stabilising is beginning. But to Lebedev's horror, an unexpected and massive emission occurs, reaching levels beyond the norm. Everyone within radius of the plant, Duty, Clear Sky or otherwise are hit and begins succumbing to the effects of the emission. During the Outro, they can be seen shaking unnaturally, crowded in corridors where brief and blurry black and white images on screens flash violently in their faces. These signs indicate that those whose lives weren't taken from the blast end up with a worse fate. They would seem to be in the process of being brainwashed to become part of the Monolith forces, or, like Strelok, become unwitting agents of the C-Consciousness.

From there, the Shadow of Chernobyl version of the zone unfolds and the story continues as seen in Strelok's point of view.